Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!!

The first Monday of the year and My first Blog..

Today was the official first day of my one year plan. I've given my self a year to figure out my life and to try to make as an independant designer.
Where I am right now-
Im in crazy debt. I owe about 100,000 in school loans, about 10,000 in credit cards, 5,000 in collections, 2,000 in parking and traffic tickets and a -500 in my bank account with no income coming in.
I live with parents(whom are also struggling financially). I have no boyfriend, Nor intend to have one soon.
As far as my buisness I really only doing the Etsy thing ( ) and I get about a sell every two weeks....which obviously I cant live by.
I am unemployed...if there is a chance I can be self employed without truggling to much I would. but as of right now its not happening and I just have to try to do both.
I have a pretty big mountain to climb, but Im going channel my inner Gwen Steffani and try to become a succesful and strong women on my own.
This blog is to capture everything of my misadventures of trying to become succesful when starting from nothing. I'm sure you will be reading a lot of mistakes within this year... but hopefully by December it will be a happy ending to this blog.

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